If you have not read our previous article on reading smartphone text messages, then go ahead and read that first before continuing to read this article. Researchers at Stanford University have come up with a technique that can decipher text-based CAPTCHA used by many websites. CAPTCHA was developed to tell the difference between computers and […]
Archives for November 2011
I Can Read That Text Message!
Do you ever worry about someone being able to view a text message or login information for an online account you are accessing via your smartphone in public? If not, then you should. Read the article “Illusion of Security” that I wrote where I describe how easy it was to view someone’s login information or […]
Holiday Threats to Mobile Devices
McAfee just released a Christmas list of security threats and a couple of those directly relate to mobile devices. While I will focus only on those threats, you should read the complete 12 Scams of Christmas to understand other security threats that could affect you. Mobile Device Threats There are two main security issues you […]
Adding Post Categories to a Page in WordPress
Have you ever wanted to add one or more category content to a WordPress page? The process is not hard and is something I started using when I was in the process of designing and creating content for our Ironclad Tech website. Basically, you start with a new page. Do not put any text on […]
Headway WordPress Theme
The Headway theme is a user-friendly theme for WordPress websites. It allows those that do not know PHP or HTML to setup and design their WordPress website with Headway’s visual editor. The Headway Personal version allows the user to install and use it on two WordPress websites that they own or develop while the Headway […]
Ironclad Tech on Facebook and Youtube
Ironclad Tech Services is now on Facebook. Follow us on Facebook.com/Ironclad Tech. Don’t forget to click the Like button on the top of the page when you get there. Ironclad Tech also has our own YouTube channel at YouTube.com/IroncladTech. Come on over and see the helpful information and screencasts we have for you. Don’t forget […]